Solstice Super Sale!

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fast-track Your way into the wedding industry!
Learn directly from successful wedding planners, and immediately discover the same secrets it's taken them years to learn.
Get our Two most popular courses for the price of one!
Learn How You Can Turn Your Passion for Events, and Organization into Your Own Thriving Business!

Our premium programs will teach you how to achieve your dreams in the wedding industry in as little as 12 weeks. 

Feel confident as a new planner

How to get your first clients starting... now

How to manage client timetables

How to skyrocket your referrals

How to avoid the clients you DON'T want

And much more...

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  • Preferred option
    One-time payment ($397.00)$397.00
  • Preferred option
    Payment Plan 4x $97.00/2 wks

Add The Ultimate Wedding Planner Template!

A one time special for only $29.97!
Don't leave the big day to chance, download the same templates that I used in my agency as a Certified Professional Wedding Planner to plan for every detail of each event!

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  • Total payment
  • 1xWedding Business Success & Certificate in Wedding Planning$0

All prices in USD

Amy Stephens
2018 Alumni

I seriously could not have done this without WPI! Since I was a little girl I've dreamed about weddings and now it's my job! I can't believe I get to have this life!! 

Lauren Jewet
2019 Alumni

I honestly didn't even know this career was a real option! I took the course so I could plan a friend's wedding and it was so much fun that I decided to start taking on some client work on weekends. Fast forward to today and I'm a full time wedding planner! 


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